It's heavily unlikely, though.Įnter add_slider, with being the command listed for the slider, and a number between the min and the max values of the slider. DO NOT INSTALL IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO RISK YOUR GAME IN THE EVENT SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENS.

Instructions Anyway, to install, simply unzip the file and put the files into your mods folder. It also randomizes the heights of the NPC's in the neighborhood, for more realistic sims, this only happens if their height hasn't been randomized, by the way. The Gradual Height part makes it so that your child and teen sims grow, every day, at midnight, which is pretty cool, I admit! This marks the return of shorter teens from the old mod! This time, it also shortens your existing teens!

The Gradual Height Change is sort of a slider, but it's also not simultaneously. Gradual Height Change and Randomized Height for NPC's(added in version 0.05) If your sim isn't wearing any of these, the slider won't have any effect, unless the slider is being applied for the first time, where any clothes will be affected.