We welcome posts that benefit the community (device reviews, guides, discussions and rumors) and not the individual (seeking help, e.g.We welcome discussion-promoting posts that benefit the community, and not the individual. Comments that devolve into purely political discussions may be locked and people in violation may get banned if they are also violating Rule 9.Ģ. If not obvious, you should submit the link as a self-post and include an explanation. All posts to r/Android must be related to the Android OS or ecosystem in some way.Only submissions that are directly related to Android are allowed. Over content which benefits only the individual (technical questions, helpīuying/selling, rants, self-promotion, etc.) which will be removed if it's in violation of the rules. Send any comments or questions to: refer to our for our web clock/map and our Time and Frequency Division FAQ with questions about time zones, daylight saving time, atomic clocks, etc.Join us on Lemmy Chat with us on Matrix Chat on our Telegram group Secret TunnelĬontent which benefits the community (news, rumours, and discussions) is generally allowed and is valued We do not have a widget/gadget application for your desktop. This is a web page with just the widget: The widget can no longer be embedded into other web pages. The time shown estimates that one-half of the round-trip delay is the delay from the time server to the browser. When the time is displayed in the browser. The widget utilizes the client's computer clock as a timer to measure the round-trip network delay, which is the interval of time starting when the widget sends a time request to the server and ending It should not be used to make measurements, nor should it be used to establish traceability to NIST. Therefore, this widget is intended as a time-of-day service only. So the running clock comes from the internal oscillator of the local computer. The widget is not continuously linked to NIST, it re-synchronizes with NIST every 10 minutes. The widget adjusts the display to show the local time based on the client's computer time zone settings as the default. The time reference for the widget is the output of the national time scale called UTC(NIST), which disseminates Coordinated Universal Time UTC(NIST). It is a web clock showing the official time of day from NIST, displayed as a 12 or 24-hour clock, in a user-selectable time zone. This widget is a public service provided by the Time and Frequency Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).